SSL- Website Security Demystified

SSL- Website Security Demystified

Website Help Have you ever noticed that some websites URL’s start with ‘http://’ and others start ‘https://’ That extra ’S’ is no typo- it stands for secure. The system behind that one little letter is called SSL or Secure Sockets Layer and is very important for the...
Getting the Most Out Of Networking

Getting the Most Out Of Networking

Networking events can be a great way to build connections within your industry and get the word out about new things going on in your business. Networking can also be terribly awkward and when done wrong, and can feel like living in an insurance commercial –...
Hiring a Web Designer

Hiring a Web Designer

Maybe this year started out with some big goals- new products, new marketing ideas, and maybe even a new website. Before you run out and hire the first person you meet -or your cousin who’s a sophomore in college and SO good with computers (hint- no!)— slow down and...
Hosting and Domains- Website Foundations

Hosting and Domains- Website Foundations

If you were building a house. You would want to be sure the land was good, solid, and strong. Then you would (hopefully) use a builder that had a good reputation for customer service. Building a website is no different- you want to build from a strong dependable...

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