Are Billboards Still Relevant?

Are Billboards Still Relevant?

In the old days (pre-interwebs) these were THE things that got noticed. You knew you were someone in business when you could afford a billboard. Today- with our attention pulled in a hundred (thousand?) different directions, traditional media doesn’t get the love that...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing

I have a confession, I’m in love with the ‘unsubscribe’ button.  If subscribing to a certain email brings me no value, I’m gone. I get enough emails that I really don’t need to be reminded to buy another pair of shoes or a shirt. However, I do tend to keep the emails...
What Content Should I Include on My Website?

What Content Should I Include on My Website?

Website FAQ: What kind of content should be on my website? Going over a content plan with new clients is a great time to review the ‘who what when where why’ of a business. Give your site a quick ‘once-over’ being sure you are giving your customers enough information...

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